Thursday, April 9, 2009

Emails, please!

The Open Letter had been public for two days when we figured out that it would be really good if we could get email addresses from signers (if they want to give them up, of course). We don't plan to litter your inbox with lots of inclusion spam. But we did think it would be good to be able to communicate with all of you if it ever seemed like a good idea. So, for those of you who signed the letter before we began asking for your email address: If you are willing, please send it to us at

We'd also like to indicate on the signature page who is a pastor/minister. But we also didn't think about this until two days after people began signing! So, if you are a pastor/minister who signed the letter before we began asking for signers to self-designate as such, please let us know at the above address. Of course, if you'd like to remain in cognito, we're not going to "out" you. Thanks!

Sheri Hostetler

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